The leaves are turning, the temperature is dropping—it's time to prepare your aquatic oasis for…

6 Steps for Throwing an Awesome “Back to School” Pool Party
Whether you have a kindergartner going to school for the first time and you’ve invited the whole class, or you have a student entering middle school or high school, a “back to school” pool party is a great way to get everyone together before school starts in earnest. Start planning now for a pool party to remember!
Here are 6 easy steps for throwing an awesome “back to school” pool party:
1. Pick a Pool Party Theme
Tropical is pretty easy and laid back. So is a beach theme. Think tiki torches and hula skirts, or bring in some sand and shells. Does your child long to be a pirate? Aaargh, ye matey! Plant buried treasure at the bottom of the pool. Let your imagination run wild.
2. Send Out Original Pool Party Invitations
Instead of just sending paper card invitations, get creative. Blow up beach balls and write the invitation on them in Sharpie. Send a message in a bottle. Write the invitation on a flip flop. Use mini chalkboards.
3. Decorate, Decorate, Decorate
If your theme is tropical, consider hula skirts, giving out leis as guests arrive, putting up tiki torches, etc. Party stores and Dollar Stores have all sorts of tropical stuff—and because it’s the end of the season, a lot of it is on sale. If your theme is more school oriented, give each guest a pool noodle, and use extra pool noodles with a sign saying “Don’t forget to use your noodle this school year!” You get the idea. Remember to set up a photo booth/selfie area for tweens and teens.
4. Plan Pool Games and Out-of-the-Pool Activities
Get your child, tween or teen in on this. Plan activities or games, but remember to have unstructured time for just hanging out. Consider incorporating pool accessories like a pool slide, diving rock, or pool waterfall into the fun. And make sure to include activities that give the swimmers a break from the pool.
5. Select Your Back to School Pool Party Soundtrack
This can be beach music or tropical music, or music with a school theme. Think School Days, Hip to Be Square, ABC/123, Wheels on the Bus, etc. Do try and work in some of your children’s favorites into the mix. A Bluetooth speaker comes in handy for this.
6. Be Safe
Make sure everyone in the pool knows how to swim, and have safety gear and flotation devices on hand. Make sure there are plenty of adults to supervise younger children in the pool.
7. Bonus! Get social!
Be sure to involve your child or teen in the planning. Older kids can utilize Instagram and SnapChat to build excitement for your pool party. Pinterest can also be a great source of inspiration for your back to school pool party. And Facebook is a great way to connect with the other parents for planning and scheduling.
And last of all, have fun! That’s what a pool party is for, after all.